Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Hello - a little bit about this page

Hello dear reader,

This is my very first post on my new blog - I Prefer Polish...

Initially it's written so that I can test the layout, but since we're here anyway, why don't I just write a little bit about me and the blog.

I'm 27 years old. I'm from this little country in Scandinavia, called Denmark.

It's not, as many claim, the capital of Sweden, it's actually the worlds oldest kingdom - located right next to Sweden. In fact, at one time in history we owned a part of Sweden. So there's a never ending battle between us and the Swedes...

I work as a journalist, live with my boyfriend of two years, Mister Man, and our two dogs. They're of the breed Shetland Sheepdog - some people call them mini collies, but I have to say they tend to get offended by that.

My love for polish began in Summer 2010, when I was living in the loveliest of cities, London. I love London and everything British.

Here in Denmark nail polish isn't really that big a deal, but it has yet to come and like all other things it will become new, big and trendy, when it's been in the UK and US for a decade.

I'm also writing a Danish blog on nail polish - called Passion4Polish.
It will be a bit of the same on the two, just in case anyone are wondering... I'm not stealing from that page... Since it's myself writing on there as well... Ok, you got that already? Great ;)

It's my goal to make this blog kind of personal. So I will be writing about polish, me and my relationship with polish. Which is very loving, but is going through some tough times accationally.

What else? I also have a great love of music. It might get mixed into the bowl as well...

So, that's it for me for now. Hopefully people reading my blog will be nice enough to overlook my spelling errors - and perhaps write a comment once in a while :)

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